The best fantage cheats 2015

Working on a New page!

So I’m working on a new page called ‘Interviews with fantagians/viewers’. It will be a subpage for the (parent) page ‘Interviews’.

As the subpage currently is only for bloggers to be interviewed, I’ll be adding this new page so that our viewers can also be featured in there.

This is page will be published in the mid of this month. Viewers who would like to me featured/interviewed on that page can answer these questions. Comment below

Q1) How did you discover fantage?

Q2) Do you like the new fantage or the vintage times?

Q3) How old are you?

Q4) How did you discover our blog?

Q5) Commets (about fantage)

Q6) Comments (about our blog)

(p.s- I would prefer if you copied all the questions in the comments and give the answers below each, it will make my work easier)

(p.s 2 :P- I’m going to update ‘Interviews with bloggers’ soon. Sorry for the delay. I’m working on updating this blog. Thanks for your patience)

-aprsept 🙂

How did you find my blog?

Please comment below and tell me “How did you find my blog”?

Through a friend or through a search engine.

There are at least 5 things (activities) going on fantage at the same time. I logged on fantage after a long time and in every area there’s something going on. And everything is so confusing, I don’t know what to post about.

I really need to keep this blog active, because we have worked really hard on all the pages and posts. The viewers are dropping everyday. I don’t blame anyone for this, because if the blog is inactive definitely it will effect the views.

I need bloggers to help me run this blog. I need people who can ACTUALLY post at least once a week during events.



(p.s- Ignore the grammar cause I had to make this quick :P)


I’m really sorry. I’ve been inactive like for 2 months. I know its really annoying that I don’t post for a long time, then come back saying I’m sorry. But I really am. I can’t focus on blogging as my exams are gonna start on 18th. Then I have tests…and in short ill be free during Christmas. The blog is not updated and we skipped 2 events too. I’m glad that we still get viewers. I’m going to hire any authors cause when I do they hardly post for a month than quit. I really can’t blame them because they have their own blogs to take care of and are also busy. If you all want to suggest a solution for this please comment and inform me. I might delete this blog, or think of something else. I have’nt checked my mails yet so if you have mailed me, i’m really sorry for keeping you waiting. 



Hey guys! So, there is a new Fashion Show update, and it seems pretty cool! Here’s all the info you need to know.

It’s pretty much a fashion show battle with another person. I think it’s just for 2 players.

Everyday you log in, (you must log in), you will get THREE TOKENS. You need these tokens to participate in the battle.


You can also buy tokens using gold. I suggest not buying any tokens until you really need it, cuz I mean, it’s just a waste of your gold O_O

fashion battle

You need to click that button on the right side of your page to get your three tokens after you have logged in. When you click that, this should pop up.


Then this. I blurred out the names btw.


This is the info on how to play.

info 2

To make things easier, this is what happens.

To start your own game, click the BATTLE button. To join another player’s game, just click on their name.

Now, if you make your own battle, you do not choose the theme yourself. Fantage does it for you. (which I think is pretty fair). Let’s say the theme was purple.


Fantage will give you an item that is matching the theme, and you have the choice to buy it or not. If you don’t want to buy it, you can click NOT NOW and go to your inventory to change into the theme. Now remember, if you started your own game, after you have finished changing, you will have to wait until another player wants to challenge you.


Btw, you also get a new medal 😀


ANYWAYS, if you decide to join a game, same rules apply. A person will already be waiting for you with a theme. You just have to change into the theme as well. Then, after you have both changed, it will give you each your scores, and announce the winners.

That’s pretty much it! Feel free to leave any comments down below if you are confused or something 🙂



Okay, so I did not find out this glitch by myself btw. But I saw it on Youtube and the glitch thing was spreading, so I decided to try this out, and it actually worked!!! It’s actually pretty cool and funny :3 The steps are SUPER SIMPLE.

First, go to SUNBLOCK.

Then, change your SKIN to anything you would like. Buy it with stars or ecoins. Then, click the “x” button to exit the skin choosing screen.

Then, without moving, go to your inventory, and change either your HAIR, SHIRT, OR ACCESSORY.


To make it easier, I shall use pictures 🙂

glitch 2

Click the SHOPPING CART button.

glitch 3

My skin was usually CARAMEL. (plus, you make a BUNCH of clones, cuz it’s all free!)

glitch 4

Then, I changed it to CREME, and clicked TRANSFORM.

glitch 5

Then, without moving your avatar, click your INVENTORY, and change either your HAIR, SHIRT, OR ACCESSORY.

glitch 6

I changed into this heart tee. Now, remember, when you go into your inventory to change, after you click that item, you arent gonna see it change on the side view of ur inventory. Dont mind that, and just click on it once, and exit. Then, move, and you get a clone! 😀

Comment down below if you have any other questions 🙂









Before we get started, let me just say, this event is literally the exact same Alice in Wonderland event we had before. It’s just that the items are different, everything else is the same.. But anyways, here’s all the info you need to know 🙂


log in

event infoevent info sign


You can go to Wonderland by clicking that button there, or you can go to the forest, which will have a hole that will lead you to Wonderland as well. Paint roses to win prizes, and buy mushrooms and play croquet against the queen!

limited itemslimited items sign



The pricing is getting ridiculous. Like, everything in here can only be bought with gold, except for the Alice Package. I would love to buy the dragon, but I’m not going to waste 2500 gold on a board.

click this

Click this person for rose painting information.


You can buy the costume for 2,500 gold OR for 5,000 stars.


I kept the costume from last year, just in case, so I tried wearing it to paint roses, but it didn’t work. I guess Fantage is just trying to make us spend our money -_-

left side

So I entered Wonderland, and on the left side, the purple hole is to go back into the Forest, and if you click the  caterpillar…mushroom


You can experience fun effects. BUT. obviously, you can only buy with GOLD. UGHHH.


The middle of Wonderland.

game how togame sign


Same game as last year.

playing the game

The Queen is blue. You are pink.

game how to 2

The cards will increase, making the level more difficult.

rose area

Click this area on the far right of Wonderland to enter the rose painting area. Don’t forget to wear your costume if you wanna paint roses!


Paint away! 😀



i need msh.

LOL, i need msh. but doesnt everyone xD Idk, im losing contact with friends cuz they have msh, and i dont. i guess im just “uncool.” but thanks to becca for staying by my side 🙂 I can trust u teehee ❤ SOMEONE GET ME MSH. please. ew, i sound so desperate LOL.
btw, like if u think that fantage should have more fun events.

Fashion Show!!!

Hey everyone! It’s Candyplum 101 here.

This is for Fantage Spy’s Fashion Show she made recently. Here are my outfits for each theme (in order)  :]

YELLOW: LOL, I’m not sure if the sunglasses are counted as “fashionable”, but I mean, it compliments the look :p 😀 I would actually wear this.


BLUE: I feel like a Smurf, teehee!



RED: Now I feel like eating twizzlers -_-



GREEN: I am a Human Tree. With a St. Patrick’s Day hat… 😮



BLACK: I look  like a girl who’s going to a party with a fancy dress on.. With an eye patch.. With mouse ears. Because it makes so much sense.



PURPLE: I’m a lavender. ❤ Now, if only my skin and eyes were purple~



The pictures above has been my entries for Fantage Spy’s Fashion Show 😀




New Author!

Hey guys! It’s Candyplum1o1, and before you ask questions, I’ve been hired for this blog because Aprsept is going on vacation, and she will not be able to manage the blog while she is gone. Thank you for iviting me, Aprsept, and have fun at your vacation!~