The best fantage cheats 2015

۵Trick people: Lock them۵

Every fantagian knows this trick now. Only newbies fall for it. You can host a ‘fake’ tryout  and call people to check out your barn. The you can play your trick.

You want to trick people? Or take a revenge for someone’s trick? This page will tell you how you can lock someone in your barn.

Note: They can log out or get out using the map.

1. Make sure your home is accessible to everyone on fantage.


Click on the last i button.


Click on everyone.

2. Go to ‘downtown’ or ‘uptown’ and call people or just invite someone to hangout at the barn.

3. Go the settings again and click on nobody.


The person will be stuck in your barn and wouldn’t be able to exit. You can go inside & annoy them now! 😛


Comments on: "۵Trick people: Lock them۵" (23)

  1. lol great trick! i will definitely try this because I’m a prankster. 😈 🙂

  2. but its cool!!! thx for it again i forgot it.. 🙂

  3. Lol im gonna try that, thx im usually a pretty nice person but I’ve also got a part of me that likes to prank

  4. I have done that a lot its so much fun!!! But if ya’ll wanna know a secret?
    (p.s- People can go to different peoples houses but they can’t go anywhere else if you locked them in your house)

  5. I love that trick I think it’s pretty awesome and sneaky lol .

  6. This is so cool, I love it and I tricked already like 3 people.

  7. Lol I’m trying that .;

  8. pandas_r_so_cute said:

    Omg that’s wat that girl was doing when she said come to my barn but I escaped easily :)haha

  9. WOW! I can’t wait to do this trick!

  10. LOL!I already knew this before.It’s really funny.

  11. LOL did this once today. This girl was like “u for got to invite my friend to your slumber party”. And i was like ” ok ill get her” so i went outside my house and did the “” TRICK “” (=^u^=)

  12. Amy Mcculloch said:

    awesome trick

  13. this is super awesome trick!! ima try it when i log on 🙂

  14. sara13457 said:

    lol im totally going to try that

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