The best fantage cheats 2015

☼How to get a pet☼

You can only hatch eggs if they are in family order. To see the order of the families, you can view the pet catalog.

Get a pet through stars

This method applies for-

Non-members: Getting non pets- Mumbo & Jimbo

Members: Getting all pets.

Step 1:

Go to the pet shop at pet town to buy an egg.

all eggs

Select an egg, the other eggs unlock when you hatch all the pets with the starter egg. Non-members hatch their 2 pets with the starter egg.

Step 2:


Go to your home and click on the barn option in your left.

Step 3:


Click on any of these to adjust the settings.

Step 4:


Adjust the settings  according to the pet you want  Click here for all pet codes.

Step 5:

Wait…and wait…(lol)

If you are logged in for at least an hour the egg will hatch faster or it hatches latest by the next day.

Get a pet through ecoins

You don’t need to buy the egg if you buy the magic code.


This method applies for

Non-members- To get Member pets

Members- If they don’t want to lose their pet after the membership has expired.


Step 1:

Decide which pet to get! Each pet comes with it’s own prize, so if you would like to see what “Pet-Locked Item” you get, simply visit the Pet Locked Items Page!

Step 2:

Use “Magic Codes” which automatically hatch whichever pet you want from any family. Here’s what it looks like:


Click on the pet you’d like to hatch.


Buy the code.

Step 3:

Go to your barn and click on this. Wait for 1 hour or 20 mins depending on your code.


 The more time that your pet takes to hatch with a Magic Code, the less expensive it will be, so the cheapest Magic Code (and the smartest choice) is to buy a pet with the 1 Hour code. Each pet has a different magic code price.

Limited Pets

They are like limited items and you can only get them through an event. You cannot buy them in the store or through a Code! They are all member pets so if a non-member wants the pet hatch it with e-coins. (Magic codes)

This is how you hatch an egg. I hope you get whichever pet you desire! Good luck, and Happy Hatching!

Comments on: "☼How to get a pet☼" (2)

  1. so bad im a non member,i wanna have membership

  2. thank you so much for this

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