The best fantage cheats 2015

You guys may be wondering why I am suddenly making a post like this. But there are some things about fantage that I don’t like and I think even you all don’t like.

  1. Contact Us- They never reply that. I have written to them like more than 10 times but they never reply!! Thats so irritating.
  2. Things for wearing!- For mem’s its awesome but for non members its dull, and there are no shoes (2 out of 100 shoes) and accesories (Only 1)
  3. Other language servers- They did’nt even put the trade ‘n’ sell at the french and the other languages. Its been months since trade ‘n’ sell was released.


Comments on: "Things I don’t like about fantage!" (14)

  1. I remember once I got sick of them ignoring me so I decided to trick them : P
    I emailed them and said that I bought 10,000 eCoins and they never came so they replied: We have checked your account and found out that you have been using your ecoins.
    then I said: you finally replied?! Seriously? so all you care about is MONEY!?
    I got banned for 6 hours or something ouo

  2. They do reply,but it takes a while and it usually isn’t helpful.

    Fantage only cares about the money because that’s how they get earn profit, money for pixels. They don’t even care about non-mems since they don’t use money to buy membershiP or e-coins.

    • foreverball11 said:

      I contacted Fantage like 15 times about me being hacked. And then. 4 weeks later. THEY FINALLY REPLIED! And I didn’t even right the email! SMEONE knows my pass. I can’t CHAGE my pass. What if they hack my fantage ACC and email!

      • I got hacked too! My e-coins were taken (all of them) Like 2 days ago! Sites like fantage should should have a quick system of replying and stuff. CP always replies on time! (Like in 14 hours)

      • E-mail fantage and ask them to change your e-mail that is connected to your account then they will ask a question that you have to answer and then they will change it.

  3. Foreverball11 said:

    I know!!!! Fantage is greedy. They just make profit and they just want money, one time. I told them that my 10,000 paid ecoins hadn’t come yet. They said. Be a member! You get 5,000 ecoins a month!

    • fantage sweetiegirl2007 said:

      I know it, foreverball11, they just want Membership, Gold and Ecoins mixed together. So they earn enough profit. And who care’s, that mems are so pretty.. 😦

  4. fantage sweetiegirl2007 said:

    It’s same for me, I contacted these Fantage people and wrote a note thrice about fantagians who are swearing, rude, tricky and teasing me. And they also write “chat and behavior code”, You should report them, so I did. But I found out that person logged off for a while or something idk but i didnt see the person, but after two hours I found it…

  5. fantage sweetiegirl2007 said:

    Guys?!? You know that some people go to random Websites and then they find out people’s passwords, and it also happened to me when I had a YouTube recently ! Someone just figured out my pass, bcz that person is stealing away my stars, deleting away my buddies, and once , you know fantage has recently started some thing like if you log in once a day, you get some gift, and u don’t get unless u log in. but then when i logged in they showed my gift has already been given. And then that hacker bought “Fair Amber Hairstyle” and first my stars were, 16,480, and then it suddenly became “4,000” and my style was changed. I contacted them a billion times about that, they didn’t reply. so i guess maybe ppl like to hack famous people’s account who have YouTube. but i didn’t wanna put my account in risk, so i quit filming on YouTube. And it had only been a month, and I disabled my account. So that I got rid of it. That hacker………….. 😦

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