The best fantage cheats 2015

☜ Rules & Punishments ☞™

Xat Rules

  1. No advertising blogs or chats.
  2. No use of bad words or vulgar language (no swearing)
  3. No disrespecting or insulting.
  4. No fighting.
  5. No posing.
  6. No discussion about the mem/rare page, or asking anyone the password.
  7. No asking for personal information.
  8. No asking to be a moderator/owner/worker on the blog.
  9. No trading or donating.

Please follow the rules!

Duration of Ban

  1. Advertising blogs or chats. -8 hours
  2. Use of bad words or vulgar language (no swearing) -3 hours
  3. Disrespecting or insulting. -3 hours
  4. Fighting. -2 hours for each person involved
  5. Posing. -1 hour
  6. Discussion about the mem/rare page, or asking anyone the password. -1(Dicussion) to 3(Asking for password) hours
  7. Asking for personel information. -1 hour
  8. Asking to be a moderator/owner/worker on the blog. -1 hour
  9. Trading or donating. -2 hour


The moderator will ban you if you don’t follow any of the rules, the moderator will write. Break of rule no: x

Our moderators

  1. Aprsept (OWNER)
  2. Luna
  3. Princess_JC
  4. Ashley

Comments on: "☜ Rules & Punishments ☞™" (26)

  1. so r we allowed to trade?

  2. When your fighting ban duration says 2 hours for each involved person, does that mean the if 3 people where involved, all 3 people get a 2 hour ban or they all get a 6 hour ban (2 hours and 3 people…2×3-6.)

  3. Can you un ban me? I’m banned for no apperent reason.

  4. My backup galaxy_on_a_laptop is.

  5. hi aprsept can i help with the website please reply

  6. How do you do that chat thingy?

  7. ☆ρan∂ιι★ тнє ♦1/2 Joкєя♣ said:

    Personal was spelled wrong…C:

  8. How do we trade ?

  9. wolfgirl6410 said:

    um, does it count if we technically are involved in the fight but we try to break it up? If we try to break up the fight do we still get banned?

  10. Anonymous girl said:

    How do you become admin?

  11. girlygirl said:

    fuck all of u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. im superstar_bella im 10 years old im level 140 in fantage and i live in the philipines

  13. Vincente Ventu said:

    Yo pogg, 2020 gang where you at

ThankYou For Commenting :')