The best fantage cheats 2015


Free Membership?

I would’nt use these methods for membership. As we can’t trust these sites, sometimes we would’nt even receive our membership, but you can try!

Create an account on this site called stuff point.

Click here for a link to the site! 🙂

You will earn points from which you can select the option of free membership on fantage as reward.
I hope this helps.

Comments on: "✣Membership✣™" (44)

  1. im sad some of the accounts don’t work

  2. ???? There’s nothing here….

  3. I’m trying to get the $10 Fantage Game Card but you know…. you need to have 10,000 points I think and its hard for me to get some points…..

  4. can u say correctly how to get free membership

  5. ♡♥ Violet ♥♡ said:

    Thank you!!!

  6. How do you make such a cool website on wordpress what format is it?

  7. i still can’t find any hints at all, btw, how do u make it password protected??

  8. i’ve tried that, do they send u the code by email?

  9. funny4049 said:

    does it still work?

  10. i want to get stuff cool ones but I cant ,I am not a member!! 😦

  11. the best ones dont work!

  12. hey tell me how to get member ship

  13. Girlnextdoor24 said:

    Oki I have 3 ways to get a membership or ecoins.(:
    2. (best cause it has proof)
    3.,, and that’s all!!!!
    I hope you guys get eCoins or whatever yhu want! :3

  14. i have membership on my account but my friend wants membership and she wants a no download/survey/the link u said cause it will take forever and leave viruses and basicly surverys r downloads cuz it asks u to downloadsomehting or win and iphone

  15. I don’t like using free membership I would rather buy it but , there are sites out there that will help.
    For example : Poptropica it will tell you how to get free membership for the site of poptropica. but I think if you rome around on the internet you will find it.

  16. I did save enough points for a membership but they never gave me it.i went to fantage arcade and download bunch of weird things and it’s the same.

  17. imani7070 said:

    same thing its not cool

  18. sweetiecookies said:

    nowone can get free membership they can only use game cards and pay

  19. Dfgffh said:

    You can use the website and you can easily earn points! Just tap refer to Freinds to earn points and create random accounts! Get a 1 year membership with just 30 points!

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